Lilith Rüschenpöhler

Research Interests
Inclusive chemistry education, focus on culture and gender
Decolonial and postcolonial approaches to chemistry education
Social inequalities in chemistry education: chemistry capital research
Chemistry education for refugees
Important Publications
Rüschenpöhler, L., Küsel, J., Hönig, M., & Markic, S. (2022). Gesprächsführung in der Berufsorientierung: Strategien zur Förderung naturwissenschaftlicher Identitäten nach dem Science‐Capital‐Ansatz. CHEMKON, 110–116.
Rüschenpöhler, L., & Baginski, K. (2021). Migrant*innen mit geringen Deutschkenntnissen im Chemieunterricht: Die Verwebung fachlichen, unterrichtskulturellen und sprachlichen Lernens im Projekt “Fach + Sprache” Chemie. In K. Peuschel, L. Otto, & S. Steinmetz (Hrsg.), Theorie-Praxis-Verzahnung in der Lehrkräftebildung: Ergebnisse aus dem Netzwerk ‘Stark durch Diversität’, Sprachliche Bildung (S. 207–220). Münster: Waxmann.
Rüschenpöhler, L., & Markic, S. (2020b). Secondary school students’ acquisition of science capital in the field of chemistry. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 21(1), 220–236.
Rüschenpöhler, L., & Markic, S. (2020a). How the home environment shapes students’ perceptions of their abilities: The relation between chemistry capital at home and students’ chemistry self-concept. International Journal of Science Education, 42(12), 2075-2094.
Rüschenpöhler, L., & Markic, S. (2020c). Secondary school students’ chemistry self-concepts: Gender and culture, and the impact of chemistry self-concept on learning behaviour. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 21(1), 209–219.
Rüschenpöhler, L., & Markic, S. (2019a). Self-concept research in science and technology education: Theoretical foundation, measurement instruments, and main findings. Studies in Science Education, 55(1), 37–68.
- Empowerment in chemistry education (2021-)
- Development of a teaching approach for equity in chemistry education based on chemistry capital (2022-)
- DiversitySensitive Support: Vocational orientation in STEM for female adolescents with migration background in cooperation with parents (DiSenSu, 2018-2021)
- Culture-sensitive chemistry self-concept research: The relationship of chemistry self-concept with culture, gender, and chemistry capital (2017-2019)
- Subject + Language: Chemistry (2015-2017)
Bachelor of Arts, philosophy and political science, University of Bremen, Germany; 2009 – 2010 in France at Université de Paris IV – la Sorbonne
Bachelor of Arts, chemistry und French, University of Bremen, Germany
Master of Education, chemistry und French, University of Bremen, Germany
Science teacher at Wilhelm-Kaisen-Oberschule, Bremen, Germany
Research assistant in the project Fach + Sprache: Chemie, University of Bremen, Germany
PhD student and researcher in the project DiSenSu at Ludwigsburg University of Education, Germany (Markic group)
Phd (summa cum laude), „Culture-sensitive chemistry self-concept research: The relationship of chemistry self-concept with culture, gender, and chemistry capital“, full text
(Trainee) Teacher for chemistry and French at Königin-Katharina-Stift, Gymnasium, Stuttgart, Germany; second job: postdoctoral researcher at Ludwigsburg University of Education, Germeny
since 2021
Margarete von Wrangell fellow, postdoctoral researcher with the right to promote doctoral students